Chef Rafic Nakhle and Mr. Maher Al Qaisi visit Berlin, September 2019

Chef Rafic Nakhle and Mr. Maher Al Qaisi visit Berlin, September 2019

ATICO Fakhreldin Group, leadership team believes that employee satisfaction and performance play a significant role in business growth. And the essential means to success is to build and invest in a team of compassionate players who genuinely enjoy what they do. By constantly thriving to empower, improve and support team players, ATICO Fakhreldin Group, is certain to create an environment that allows work to be enjoyable and engaging at the same time, in order to achieve employee satisfaction and gratification.

Executive Chef Rafic from Fakhreldin and Mr. Maher Manager of Food and Beverage Operations Manager of ATICO Fakhreldin Group, took the opportunity to enjoy a few days in Berlin, while they oversaw and encouraged recently opened Simsim Levantine Eatery, which is a homegrown Levantine eatery serving authentic dishes both traditional and some with a twist.

Their visit was a mixture of site seeing, experiencing another culture and society while they still had time to give their expertise and recommendations to support the Simsim team.


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